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Newbie to USMB, with a question....?

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Hey Evreyone...

Live in Portland, I am an old Stude/Packard/Ford family geek-collector. Never have used ANY forum on the interwebbies before. I have a long time closeted love for 1985ish GL wagons etc.. Will one day in the next year be seeking one out. yadayada... So my question is... Yesterday I posted an ad for a Yakima Roof Rack w rain gutter Towers in the Non Subaru want ads section. Would a moderator of the forum delete a post if I included a link to my CL ad? Is this a boo boo?


Thanks for your time, and I hope one day to find the GL wagon of my dreams.

It is either that or a V.W. bug. Someone here convince me to get the Subaru. I would love to here back.




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Youre in Portland eh? :headbang:


Once I get my license back, I need to have a meet going, I hang out with PNW Subaru Enthusiats on Facebook but they are mostly newer generation people, and sadly, NED cant keep on the cruises :(


But I know of people that dont care WHAT Subaru it is, just as long as its a Subie that are cool to chill with

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