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my car when accelerating, changes its tone like its missing between about 2000-4000rpm like its detonating, kinda clears and power feels like its surging but not joltiong arround,but it falls on its face after 5000rpm and ive replaced the knock sensor since old one was cracked allover and it went away completely then came back, i have ran injector cleaner through it and at first, before this issue i got 28mpg then to 20mph then 24 when filled with premium gas. I reasearched but no luck, its a swap from a 92 legacy. it doesn't always do this but usually disconnecting knock sensor while its running fixes for about 3 starts of so, before i replaced the knock sensor , when starting sometimes i had to hold it to the floor while cranking it and it ran on two cylinders until i drive or rev it up, then goes normal. Im just confused and trying to work out the bugs, so ideas will be appreciated .

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i just recently had this problem, check your injectors. when this happened to me i ended up replacing the knock sensor, throttle positioning, fuel filter, and o2 before i finally figured out one of the injectors was shot.

from the sounds of it you might have more than one out.

Edited by mikaleda
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dang now that i think of it, the filter hasn't been changed since i got the car over 4k miles ago. I replaced 1and 3 injectors with used ones as they completly quit, but it took a while for the injectors to work too as there wasn't a difference right away and the engine jolted all arround on two cylinders, may try a tps today as its like 5 bucks, possibly 2,4 injectors and fuel filter

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