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Transmission issues, maybe clutch??? Help!!

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Hey everyone, been off the forum a while...


I have an '87 XT, 2WD 5MT, N/A MPFI... almost 190K miles


Anyhow, so I drove out of Los Angeles and got to Albuquerque when I heard a LOUD bang noise and it surely seemed like I blew a CV for the millionth time, as the car was shaking and rattling like hell... but I somehow managed to pull into a parking lot. Now I don't have any gears whatsoever, not even reverse. The best way I can describe the noise is it sounded like marbles were in the transmission.


I was well aware that the axle seals on the tranny were leaking and they had been for a while. I took off the axles to see if the output shafts move and apparently they do not. I can feel a little bit of play at the shafts. What's crazy is the speedometer moves like a typical axle failure but I don't see a single thing wrong with the axles.


OK now if I have it running and in gear, I can wiggle the DOJ around and it sounds like a clanking/popping noise but doesn't move the shafts. I can put it in any gear without any resistance or odd noises. Could it be possible that an output shaft?

Edited by misledxcracker
Android cant edit text worth squat...
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I am going to drain the remainder of the gear oil and check that out... and probably take the retainer off the passenger side and see if I can see anything out of whack...


...if it did grenade I'm going to have to find a transmission in Albuquerque where I know nobody.... joy

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Just read another thread similar to mine... I did get a loud pop then it seriously felt like the tire went flat. Managed to drive it this way for five miles then I lost all gears. The speedometer goes up JUST like a broken CV would cause.


Already over halfway pulling the transmission.... I'm really hoping I'm not wasting my time pulling it. Neither of the axles have split or deformed boots and they're both less than a year old. It seriously seems like it wants to somewhat catch when I wiggle the CVs on the DOJ area... maybe the output shaft bearing(s) went? I have a strong feeling the diff didn't exactly grenade just because it let me get so far after it happened...

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I figured it out! My diff isn't toast...


Apparently using a bolt/nut in place of the roll pin on the axle isn't such a hot idea...


The nut and bolt apparently fell off somewhere, allowing the DOJ end of the axle to repeatedly slam into the shaft seal until it finally knocked the bearing sideways! The shaft now turns like it should, one going one way and the opposite side going the other way. No grinds, no thumping noise and no binding. No metal in the gear oil! I think it'll be fine :headbang:

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What you describe isn't really possible. The bearing on the front diff can't be "knocked sideways" by the axle cup. Sounds like..... Well honestly I cant even begin to imagine what's going on with your tranny. I have rebuilt a number of subaru transmissions though - looking at one half done on my bench right now - and I don't see what you describe being possible.



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Speedo is driven from the pinion shaft so it will work as long as the pinion is turning. Sounds like you have a major front diff majfunction to me. There is only one bearing on either side of the front diff - they are tapered roller bearings and they also set the R&P lash via the threaded bearing cup holders on either side. Nothing the axle cup can possibly touch would cause a bearing failure or even touch any of the bearing components. The cup may have damaged the seal leading to oil loss and then failure.....



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Its been leaking gear oil for quite a while now, but when I drained it there were about two and a half quarts left in it.I'm assuming I need a whole different transmission then? No way I could split this transmission and possibly fix it? I can't find a tranny, let alone 2WD for any less than $200. How much do these trannys weigh approximately? I gotta hurry and get this thing on the road, stuck in New Mexico and its no fun...

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As to it's fixability.... I have no idea. I can tell you that changing the front diff support bearings and resetting the R&P clearances is time consuming and requires patience, a clean, organized workspace, and accurate insturments calibrated in hundredth's of a millimeter - not to mention they are pressed onto the carrier. Doubtful you could accomplish a lasting repair given the circumstances you describe. I would be looking for a replacement transmission.


It really sounds to me like there's teeth missing or severely damaged from being de-meshed due to the failed bearings. I doubt that a bearing replacement alone would even be warranted. It will probably need a ring gear and a pinion shaft as well as the diff bearings....at the very least.



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