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When Removing Mech Fan...

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if your just removing the mechanical fan to make room for a electric one or waht ever

the mechanical fan actually bolts on top of the water pump pulley so they are 2 seperate doohickys

just take off the fan use a few washers to equal the thickness of the fan hub and put your old nuts/bolts back on to keep the pulley in place and there ya go

no need for a new belt or anything

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you can just turn the studs around in the mounting flange and bolt the pulley right back on.
What do u mean that?

Could you please explain that again?


I got a spare one sitting under my house and I have just had a look at it but couldn't get the pulley thing off the rod after unscrewing the fan and alliminium cap. This is because I could get the second bigger "U ring" (i think thats what it called) out with my plyer thingies.


And yeh the belt does run the water pump.

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Hmmmm, I've never looked at an ea81 mechanical fan before. They may be different.


On my ea82, the flange that's attached to the water pump has four studs that screw into it. The pulley goes on these studs, then the fan, then the nuts. I normally take off my mechanical fan during the winter, and I just take off the nuts, take the fan off, then the pulley slides right off. Unscrew the studs and turn them around so the shorter side now faces out, put the pulley on, and tighten down the nuts.

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