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*..Fasten seatbelt light?..*

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I had a mechanic fix my heater valve on my heater. When I got it back every once in awhile while I'm driving my fasten seatbelt light will come on for about 10 secs and then go off. I talked to my mechanic and he said he didn't touch anything that would effect that. What might cause this issue? Thanks for the help :)



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What year and model is your soob? I can only speak for the old ones.


On older cars in general, there's a switch in the buckle, two wires that run down under the carpet under the seat, there's a connector there, I'd check that first... If it's got automatic seatbelts that slide along the top of the window, that might be a little more difficult to check...


I'd pull the bulb in the instrument cluster, but I'm a cheapskate... and also a fan of common sense... my thinking is do you really need a light to remind you to buckle up... like you're not going to notice a big double strap across your body? :D just my 2 cents tho.

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