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wheel bearings

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So, i finally bought a gl yesterday for only 60euros and cant wait to do some tinkering

Its not that bad, it just needs a littlebit paint, wheel bearings for all the wheels and new oil pump seals wich i already ordered from subaru.

I wanted to ask if the bearings for front will fit also to the rear? Did some searching before starting new thread and found out that some people have been using 6207-2RS-C3 bearings with succes. I wondered, since those bearings cost about half the prize than original subaru bearings... Will those bearings fit to all wheels?


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4WD with dual-range manual transmission.

How difficult it is to replace rear wheel bearings? I think they are the ones I need to reolace :D (D'OH!) I have to get new CV joints for front wheels so i thought i'd do the front bearings as well since i have to tear it all apart anyway 0.o

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What year?

I assume between 85-89' ?

Fronts are cheap and easy to get at least here in the states it seems.

The rears on a 4WD are an enigma at this point and I just started a thread asking for some help. FWD, rear bearings are cheap and look easy enough, but I don't think GL's were FWD.


If you are going to do the rears on a 4WD...there is a great pictorial in the manual...



Do it while you still have something left to recognize lol :clap:

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It's a 89 GL.

Thank you all for responses :)

Got a call from parts store and my bearings have arrived :D well see how it goes. That didnt seem wery difficult though. Just like my old VW wheel bearings but only with little more work since this is 4WD...

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