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94 Legacy - 3 Fuses for SRS Airbag?

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Does anyone by chance know how the late first-gen Legacy airbag system works with respect to the wiring/fuses?


My '94 GT has three fuses:

Fuse 8: SRS Airbag (a fuse with a yellow plastic guard around it)

Fuse 15: Meter / SRS Lamp

Fuse 16: E/G IGN, SRS Airbag



The PDFs of the 1992 'Liberty' FSM don't include airbag wiring, and my two Chilton manuals (85-92, and a Haynes-style 85-96) are both too generic. (No airbag wiring aside from test connector pinouts, and barely any Legacy-specific diagrams at all...) :-\



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