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78-79 brat ignition system pictures?

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Trying to figure out whats going on with my Ignition system, have a 79 brat that has a non-point distributor and replacing the harness with one from a 78 I believe and some of the wires aren't matching up and such. its looking like my old harness didn't have a spot for a ballast resistor but the new harness does and also another 3 pronged connector with a square shaped rubber cover that im not sure where it goes or if I need something else to make this harness work with my brat.-

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Your harness is most likely one from a point type system. Most, if not all Subarus in 78, except for CA models, had point type distributors. If you use the whole harness from 78, you will have to do this:








When ya gonna get this axle and steering pad?? LOL





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Well I don't want to convert it back to points and according to this I won't need the ballast resistor if I stick with my electronic distributor. So my question is which wires need to go where to keep e from popping this fuse and getting this car to crank again. I really wish the guy I bought this harness from for $100 hadn't cut all of these crucial wires, probably would have been much easier to figure out. The Extra wires I have look like they should go to a ballast resistor and an E.I.S. which my brat with the electronic ignition system doesn't have. And im off all week so whenever you want me to.

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I ended up with 2 three wire connectors. One goes to the distributor: white, red, and green(shield to ground). Second goes to igniter control unit. Seems like every year has some different version of the igniter control unit, some differ by model; honestly I'm still trying to sort out the differences. My '78 BRAT had points but I am converting it over, so the points came out, replaced by the pickup coil assy, got rid of the big ballast resistor on the ignition coil and installed a non points (ea82) ignition coil. I am keeping the original igniter control unit for now but that also has a small ballast resistor in it, so I may end up changing that, too. Ballast resistor wires: black/red connects ign switch to + coil, black/white connects back to black wire similar guage in same bundle (this is if you remove the resistor). Hope this helps. Anyone else?

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  • 2 months later...

Quick tidbit on converting from points to electronic ignition. When the ballast resistor on the coil is removed, there are two wires that must be connected to the coil + side: the black red wire sends 12v from the start position on the ignition switch to the coil for starting, and the black/white wire from the igniter control unit (originally sending 12v to the ballast resistor) which is energized in the ignition switch "run" position.

I was reminded while doing my conversion that with a points ignition system, the full 12 volts is sent to the coil for starting and then in the run position the voltage is stepped down via the ballast resistor to 8-10 volts to prevent points arcing. No points = no need for the voltage step down! So far the stock igniter controller on my '78 is playing well with the solid state ignition.


Also make sure you install a coil that can handle full system voltage. Coils that say "use with ballast resistor only" will likely get really hot and swell up... I put a Loyale coil in mine- so far so good.



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Hey, sorry to be a bit off-topic, but I left you a PM about contacting me regarding Moosens' windshield gasket shipment.


Regarding the electric harness, I've got a '78 wagon and am in Denton. If you want to arrange to swing by and take a look at the harness as installed, I'd be happy to arrange it. Hopefully that would give you a good idea of what you need to be changing.



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Ive got it up and running...not perfect but it works, still have the dash out and need to rebuild 2 more axles and lots of little stuff but its running and driving. Will probably drop the gaskets off in the brat if possible. Now I just need to find a new windshield.

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