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I'm not sure anyone's going to have this info. Can you take another stud bolt out, take it to a hardware store and use it for comparison? Or take the nut off and check it with the hardware there.


You may want to search online, maybe you can buy a helicoil set online, or even from the states and have it shipped.

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dude, hardware stores here are a JOKE! I can't even get a tap and die! let alone a helicoil kit! the metric bolts I did find were hte wrong pitch. and I fond a 6 mm one for the three bolt flange after the y pipe, but it was the wrong grade and sheard off in the pipe.


I have been told to take off the heads and get it helicoiled at a shop. but its running! its sad to think that 20 years ago Britain was still concidered the home of engineering excellence (well, maybe 50 years ago) but now, nobody fixes thier own stuff, and we only make things to BMW spec. I am almost tempted to make inserts my self from the enxt size (or 2) bolt and drill a hole in it and tap it. I ahve done that before. it just seems that a helicoil set it too hard to find in teh UK. wierd. GOD I miss the US sometimes.

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ok, thanks Shawn, and I remember you from the old sube days, when had an old sube. You are correct, they are the same. (i bult the wagon ea81 with rx full time hi lo 5 speed and locking middle diff with an ea 81 turbo)

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