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I've recently driven my '78 wagon down to Utah from Idaho and it's had is fun marking it's territory but it has decided today would be a good day to show it's brake light and "CHG" light simultaneously. Any insight? I haven't been able to pick up a Haynes or Chiltons manual for it yet.

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The alternator surely had crapped out. Actually came to a complete standstill in Pocatello at 1:45am. I had a buddy bring down the alternator out of my 91 Loyale an the little car fired up and tore its way back to Rexburg. Funny thing about that alternator was that it kept the wagon running after the key was turned to the off position. Any who, the alternator was replaced and while digging around it looks as though it was once fitted with a turbo. Does anyone have evidence that these old wagons were turbo'd? I'd love to hook one up if anyone happened to know where I could get a simple turbo to add a smidge of power?

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The newer alt is internally regulated, where the original has an external regulator. What probably happened was the newer alt was backfeeding power after the switch due to crosswiring. As for the turbo, unless it was an aftermarket kit, these did not come turbo from the factory untill later in life. What leads you to believe it was turbo? You can't just bolt on a turbo to a carb'd car. There is a lot involved.



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