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Names of your Soobs

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My '86 is Lump the Superwagon- from the President's song


"Mud flowed up into Lump's pajamas

She totally confused all the passing piranhas"


"Life limped along at subsonic speeds"


The '81 and '82 don't have names yet....

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i dont have a name for my 98 legacy sedan or the 90 wagon parts car, but my 86 used to be called Betsy, but now its is called GEICOSTEIN.....yes thats right geicostein.........EJ22 in a 86 TAN!! wagon......itll save me money on my car insurance......thats the main reason i did the swap......oh ya and 50 extra WHP too.........






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My 80 seden is Old Blue because of the years of loyality it has given me


My 86 d/r wagon Precilla in memory girlfriend that was killed in march 2003

thanks to her 99 honda accord and a drunk driver only if she would have took my 84 turbowagon she would of problily been with us still today this is why i have such a hate for hondas their unsafe and poorly construted cars my wagon or brat that i had would of easily stood a 35mh crash head on at a stop sign

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my loyale has a slew of names, it seems like it gets a new one every week from my friends i.e. subcuker, lucky lindy, lagwagon, stokey, keg support, S.S. Rosie, greasel, roof rack jack, toolbox, the hearse, skeep, ingrid, lil' hottie, bandwagon, gig bag, liquor control board,the list goes on and on, most are not appriate for this board and over the years i've probably forgotten more than i will ever remember.


However since my girl trashed her Daewoo in Nov. she has been using the loyale more than me and lovingly refers to it as her little pet "Turtle". Its wierd when random chicks come up to me and ask how the turtle is doing. I do like the extra attention from her friends though :brow:.



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'86 Brat - Red Dwarf


98 Legacy 2.5L GT wagon with DOHC - The Black Hole (headgaskets @ 100,000 k's)


'88 GL wagon - Nanook (of the north)


'84 GL wagon - Flaky - rusting away in the woods but still a donor though.

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  84gl said:

My 86 d/r wagon Precilla in memory girlfriend that was killed in march 2003

thanks to her 99 honda accord and a drunk driver only if she would have took my 84 turbowagon she would of problily been with us still today this is why i have such a hate for hondas their unsafe and poorly construted cars my wagon or brat that i had would of easily stood a 35mh crash head on at a stop sign

OMG - I am sorry about that - my car withstood a 45mph crash (T-bone front end damage on our soob - obliterated the econo-sedan it hit) and was still very repairable (saved my mom, who had a disoriented driver pull out in front of her going the wrong way) - I certainly won't mess with Honda (not that I have ever had any desire to anyway).


My car gets called a variety of things, generally it is referred to as "the Soob" or "sooby" but I occasionally call it "The Silver Streak" because it is lightning silver, and I do not linger (it's my lead feet :D ).

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My '81 has been affectionatly known to all as simply "The Wagon" since i bought it in '99, although it has been called, upon occasion, "the brown weasil" or "the turd".

As for the '83, shes just "the 83" for now.

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Well, I guess this is the name I WILL give my brat once it's painted black, but it will be "Little Black Monster" the grill will be replaced with one that I will design to look like a mouth with red teeth against the black should look nice :burnout:

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We had a '92 loyale that used to leak water in the back, and through the floor.... We called it THE SWAMP WAGON. The carpet held it in big puddles and it wouldnt drain out. We finally drilled redneck drain holes in the floor, and ran 'er for years till death did we part.:headbang:

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