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I have a 99 SUS and I'm having a intermittent P0183 code. The alldata diy says to pull the access plate under the seat to t/s. The problem is that I have no access plate. Anybody run into this? BTW, the problems only started when it started getting over 100F here and the car is black.

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Thanks. I found it. Next question: Wat exactly is the fuel temp sender? Alldata says to replace the fuel pump but there are only two wires going to it. There is a sensor buld of some sort separate from the pump and the feul float assy. Is this the fuel temp bulb or is it the low level bulb?

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Are you on the left side or right side?

There are two level senders on the Awd cars, one for each half of the tank and they average so the gauge will be somewhat accurate under about 1/2 tank.

The one on the left side (driver side for US models) I think should just be a level sender. I can check the FSM when I get home later. Speaking of which, if you want to download it I can post a link later.

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