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Help! Intake Upgrade, 01 Legacy


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Hey all. I found this Intake tube that fits my '01 Legacy L 2.5 and I have some questions. Would this pipe have a higher diameter than stock? And what would I need to hook it up to a Greddy Airinx Universal Filter?











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which size would fit? that's all I ask. Do you think that pipe is 3 inches? Does it matter which size filter I get to fit the pipe? or is it just the size of the filter itself?

Edited by WRX
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I did the stupid live chat thing and the guy wasn't helpful at all. I was like "I just want to know the diameter to determine if it will fit what I want to do, and he just asked the same questions it asks when you order it. I wasted about 30 minutes talking to it.


I'll try NASIOC. Thanks.

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Agree. Subaru's design pulls the coldest air in from the outside. These usually pull hot air from the engine compartment.


The only upgrade I have seen is a clean K&N or Perrin washable filter dropped into the factory air box and that's only if its serviced properly and the car is Turbocharged and tuned for it.

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Would I need an MAF adapter?


No, 2001 2.5 SOHC uses a MAP sensor instead of the MAF sensor. The only way you will get almost as cool of air to your intake running that setup, is to have your cone filter installed INSIDE the wheel well. Any air drawn from the engine bay is gonna be ~30F+ warmer than outside the engine bay.

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