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recalibrate oil pressure gauge to zero ?

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1990 loyale


I was getting bogus readings from my oil pressure gauge which always showed high pressure with the engine running. The engine runs fine.


I changed out the sending unit (twice) and both times get a negative reading with the engine off and just below zero when the engine is running. The relative movement of the needle is about what I would expect between the engine off and the engine running if it were starting out at zero.


Is there a way to recalibrate a gauge to zero out correctly ?

Edited by Dee2
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thanks Dj7291993.


I did get enough dashboard stuff off to get at the needle and like you said I was able to move it with my finger until it would always spring back to a zero resting point.


Hooked everything back up and BINGO! the gauge is working in the normal positive range again, instead of the negative range. :clap:

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