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Forester 01 temp gauge rises with a/c on

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2001 Forester, 170K miles, greatly loved by our family. Has a problem with temp gauge and ?


Head gasket replaced in 2003, along with water pump. Belts look normal. Coolant has not been flushed in a couple years, this car isn't heavily driven.


I checked messages and could not find similar problem with our symptoms.


On a hot day this week (over 100 deg) Forester temp gauge went up a couple notches from normal with the a/c on while going up a hill in our Sierra Nevada neighborhood. Temp gauge returns to normal when I turned off a/c. Coolant level was OK, added a little water. Oil level was 1/2 qt low, added oil. Fan operates fine.


Drove it again early this morning and gauge reported normal while going up country. Came back downhill. Temp gauge notched up again when I returned uphill again at noon, and yes, it's hot as heck again today.


Temp gauge never got close to red area. We will test the thermostat, other advice?

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take a look at the radiator itself, maybe it could use a good blasting with a hose to clean out bugs.


testing the t'stat is a good idea, but it's at least 9 years old. they aren't pricey so, go ahead an re-install a new one.


from the dealer or, a Stant Xacstat 48457.


the one you remove BETTER look like;



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also, thermostat is an original Subaru part and it's already wide open by the time the temp is up a few notches. We're also not seeing any engine codes.



hmmm, I dunno, this is disconcerting.



Um, when you refill the cooling system, you will probably want to know about 'burping' (making certain there's no trapped air) if you don't already.


do a search here as there may be 2-3 approaches. In any event, you will want to monitor the level in the overflow tank after the first 2-3 drives just to make sure the system is full.



In the future - if it begins to look like a serious overheating event, turn the car's climate control to full heat - it may buy you a little time to exit a freeway or get to a safe stop.

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