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Got the car back from the shop and they said they hear a slight knock at the front of the engine after it reaches operating temp. Is this anything to be concerned about? I use 10W30 oil. Do you think a 15W40 may be the way to go to help out. They recommened just watching it to see if it gets worse.



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You might consider giving a little more information about your car when posting a question. The short answer is, yeah, of course, a knocking noise is almost always something to be concerned about. Funny thing, if it's a main bearing, it could go another 100 miles or another 100,000 miles before failing. Main bearings usually get REAL LOUD before they fail. So, you will probably have a good deal of warning before the bearing finally quits. You haven't given any information about your car, but it is possible that you'll wear out the rest of the car before the bearing fails. Keep an ear open, but don't loose any sleep over it.

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