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05 Outback front axle replacement

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So recently a friend of mine asked if i would do the front axles on his outback. I have done a fair share of axle jobs now but never on a subie that new. Looking on-line it appears they are the style that just pull out of the trans meaning there is no roll pin like the older models. Am i right and are there any issues i should be watching for? Just wanted to know ahead of time so I wont mess up his car haha.



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Wish I could tell you for sure, but my '02 still had roll pins, I would imagine newer ones still do. Hopefully someone else can verify.


You may already know this, but there are 2 ways to pull the axle; you can pull the strut (mark camber bolt for alignment), or pull the ball-joint. I would suggest that if you're in a rust prone area (like me), don't pull the ball-joint. It can create quite a headache.


What replacement axles are you using?

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I tried to look at opposed forces.


not sure what I'm reading but, 'maybe' manufacturing dates up to Feb 2004 are the 'old style'. I think the door frame card will have manufacturing dates.


05 is around the time they started using the new style but - it might depend also on model (auto, manual, H4, H6 etc.)


when you get axles - you might need to supply a VIN or manufacturing date.

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