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I bought a 95 Legacy L wagon at 119K miles and it came with all the books, papers, etc., except for the maintenance schedule... you know, where the tell you what should be done at what mileage. The local Suby dealer found out I bought the car and sent me a maintenance notice for 120k miles but I want to know what they think should be done; then I'll do it myself or find a cheaper shop! Can anyone steer me to a place to get that schedule?

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My local dealer has a 5x7 card on the counter with a checklist for 30, 60, 90, 120 etc. miles and what is recommended for service.

Included in the list are such essentials as check hoses (hose client) check belts (use same belt on client) and most importantly, check size of customers check book.

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Also, if you register with my.subaru.com, you can get a listing of maintenance schedules. Plus, any information on recalls and such.

YOu can keep a schedule of your repairs and maintenance work on there, and if your dealer is hooked up with them, they will put whatever work they do n there. Nice way to keep track of stuff.

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