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Vibration after 5 spd conversion


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A few weeks ago I just completed a 5 speed conversion on my 84 GL 2 door. Everything seems to be working fine other than this vibration above 55 mph. My initial thought was that the driveline needed to be rotated 180 degrees, which I did and that did help some. During the swap I had the rear driveline extended to accommodate the shorter 5 speed by a reputable machine shop so I'm fairly confident the driveline was well balanced in that respect.

I remember when I installed the 5 speed it seemed like a snug fit in the tunnel, moreso than the 4 speed. Could the tranny be up against the body of the car causing this vibration or should I be looking at something else?


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Removed the driveline and plugged hole as you suggested. The vibration is definitely coming from the driveline. I must say I am surprised, as I said before the machine shop I took it to is known for doing quality work.

Good call skishop, thanks for the help.

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