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water pump shot, what about timing belts?

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so my water pump is shot. i had a thread awhile ago about it but still haven't changed it. water pump has been leaking for 5000 miles now. just to be sure it IS in fact the water pump how do you tell? its dripping off the timing covers onto the ground coming from the water pump area but the space is just too crammed to see a weep hole. it leaves quite the lake every time i shut my car off but only does it for a few mins than it stops leaking so thats why im thinking it is a water pump and not just a leak. and im wondering how you can tell if i should replace the timing belts? id rather not replace them if they dont need to be replaced, when i bought the car he said it had 15000 miles on new timing belts, but its hard to believe a seller so i was wondering if there is a way i can tell if i should replace them?

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theres a black cover on the front of the motor that covers all of that. take it off and see whats what. a lot of people dont put them back on so they can see, its not critical.


the pump itself might be fine, if its leaking from the seal you may just be able to put a new gasket on it. the pumps are pretty notable for failure so most people would just throw the $30 at a new one while they have it apart. if the water is coming out of the case or the neck where the pulley is the pump is dead.

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what happens if you leave the covers off? i can tell you right now the covers wont be going back on very easily(those cheesey lock nut things that lock into the plastic behind the timing covers are all stripped out and turn with the bolt so i am having to rip the timing covers off. my car sees some pretty rough conditions. between really nasty dirt roads full of mud and water and sometimes plowing through a foot of snow in 4 wheel drive would it be safe to leave the covers off?

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  danzick said:
what happens if you leave the covers off?


Check out this thread if you want to see most of the pros and cons. I don't use them, makes it a lot easier, I can change my water pump in about 20mins (one of the downsides to an Autozone pump, they break a lot, but it's got a lifetime warranty). I haven't had any issues, plus the timing belts on this are really easy to change with no covers on it, so even if they do fail, you can keep a spare set in the car. The engine is non-interference, so it won't damage anything.

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thanks! well i wasnt in the mood to take the oil filter off to get to the last bolt for the covers so i just ripped it off so they dont really have a choice to go back on. now my other question. the drivers side belt is nice and tight and has no play and looks good? the passenger side looks fine but has a noticeable amount of play. is there like a tensioner you use to tighten them?

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Regarding the covers, the metal inserts in the forward and rear covers get locked together, due to the heat. If you reinstall with either a rubber or a plastic washer, they won't bind up next time. The metal insert is probably spinning in the rear covers. Subaru mechanics usually fix the problem by destroying the front covers while leaving the bolts. Pull the bolts out with both inserts. Reinstall with through bolts, preferably metric.


Regarding the water pump, when it is completely shot, the fan will wobble and chop up your radiator. Which is another $160 in parts. Plus you may be stranded out in the boondocks. The tow could be real expensive.


After draining the radiator and removing: the auxiliary fan, the fan blades, the alternator, all three front timing covers, the inertia fan belt pulley, and the left side timing belts, most people will not be pinching penneys in what they replace. You might find shot timing belt pulleys for instance. Will you have replacements if you discover that and still get a rapid turnaround? Or do you have a backup vehicle? Subaru dealers will charge a fortune for their parts. Then you have to get there with your car out of commission. The 5 bolts that attach the water pump may also just be lose. If the water pump was installed without caulking in the top drain hole, then dirt has been working it's way into the bearings. 15,000 miles is quick for a water pump to go out, but then maybe the seller told you a little fib. Rock Auto sold me a cracked water pump and then wanted it back so that they could sell it to someone else. Sooner or later, you are going to need another water pump, new belts, new pulleys, new timing belt gear, and replacement used timing belt covers with through bolts. You might as well have them all on hand before you start tearing into your only transportation.

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  danzick said:
... just to be sure it IS in fact the water pump how do you tell? its dripping off the timing covers onto the ground coming from the water pump area but the space is just too crammed to see a weep hole...


Well, I found interesting that Nobody has suggested that the 90º Degrees 5/8" Hose in the Top of the Water Pump, could be the Culprit; and those fail more often than Water Pumps, also a Water pump Fail usually doesn't develop such a small leakage that let you drive with it for so many miles...


So, I Kindly suggest you to Start by Looking There, and let us Know how do you find that 5/8" hose.


Good Luck!

Kind Regards.

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thanks for the replyes guys although i already have the new water pump in. the hoses were fine. he never said he replaced the water pump. i said he said it had new timing belts 15000 ago. and that was when i bought it 12 thousand miles ago. there was no silicone in the top hole it was full of dirt and grime. you could grab where the pulley goes and free spin it really easy where the new one doesnt free spin.

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new water pump, and i decide for just 30 bucks it was def worth having all new timing belts. followed milesfox timing belt thread write up and it was very good and easy to understand. hopefully i can comfortably take it on long trips now.

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