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Any of you old skool guys have or use a sandblaster?

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heya gang


diving into my 360 Sedan project and have tons of misc bits that are perfect, minus the surface rust.... they need to be blasted before I can use them...


(as do portions of the car itself!)


have any of you purchased your own sandblaster?


what works best?


gun adapter?


blasting cabinet? even bench or tabletop cabinet?


i've just began to research and it's overwhelming when u know squat about it!! :) THANKS to anyone who can shed some light and input....



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I used one briefly. It was just a cheapy air nozel with a tube you stick in the sand. Pretty easy; point and shoot. Worked well at blasting off rust from one of my wheels. If you dont mind making a mess and not recycleling the sand no booth is needed. Prolly want a nice mask if you dont have a booth so you arent huffing sand :)

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yeah if i go the compressor + hose route...

i'll probably buy a nice hood/gloves/mask and use a huge tin barrell or something...


just not sure if the attachment/hoses work

and all i all they end up costing about as much...

(hose attachment vs benchtop cabinet - 27"er)


but with a cabinet, i'm confined to the spacing within the cabinet...


what if i wanna blast something that doesnt fit within it


just not sure what to do... arrrggghhh!!



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My dad works in construction so I was able to barrow one of the trailer units and gun, blasted my whitespokes no problem. Took a couple of hours might be a little bit overkill for what you want to do. If you stayed in one spot to long it would dig into the metal.

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I have a sand blaster, and I hate it :mad: It's the little cheep one from Harbor Freight, and it works good, but the MESS!!! I use a face sheeld when I use it, or U get sand in EVERY part of your body! And the sand gets EVERY WHERE within a 10' area :( If I had it to do agan I would just buy the bigest blasting cabnet I could aford. If need be, U can allwase take the gun out of the box and use it on it's oun for bigger projects. I never use mine now because I need a cabenet and I never have the time to make one :-\

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Can't afford a big cabinet, buy a big blue tarp and make your own. Be careful when blasting flat (sheet) metal as you can really distort the surface with a sandblaster. You can easily create an ugly surface that will require a lot of bondo to patch up. Sandblasting also creates pits in sheetmetal. You can do it, but sanding by hand or machine may be more controlled and effective.

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take a look into dry ice blasting works really well

if you can get or build the gun doo hicky i can get all the dry ice "rice" you want

nice thing is its safe for electronics and soft metals

and there is no mess to clean up it just evaporates after a while

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I think a sand blaster in the number one specialty tool for restoring old cars, I have access to an industrial cabinet blaster at work but a gun and bucket/tank type is on my list for home.



Jamie, I think the one you’re looking at should be great for the occasional use you’re going to need. P.S. My daughter should be sending you some questions for her school project soon. :)



Soobme, along the lines of what northguy said, I’ve seen guys make cabinets from plywood with a glass top or even a large plastic storage tub, then all you need is the gloves, or just cut the holes close to arm size and you wont loose to much sand.





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The one thing I found when looking into sand blasting is the compressor. You should have as a minimum 125cfm, that is a big compressor. I too bought the cheapy hose in the sand gun and mky little comressor don't have the umph to push the sand out. Tim

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Jamie, I have a unit that has a hopper on top of the gun, it can be used anywhere, but be prepared for a mess. If you wrap the area in plastic, then step inside, you can retain most of the material. But you will be covered with teh sand or whatever you use.

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Well, my only comment is do not sandblast body parts/sheetmetal. Other parts such as control arms and things of that nature that are located under the car, no problem but do yourself a favor and do not blast the body. It will be 3x the work for you to fix the mess you create. You may not see it but it is there. Ask around. If you know someone in highschool or a vocational school ask them if they have access to a blaster and if they would be willing to do it for you. My old highschool has a booth that works wonders, the one that the base has works fairly well but it is a cabinet so nothing big will fit. Not that anyone cares, I just felt like saying that. Boz


P.S. Here's your 2 cents

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I got a big a** compressor and I bought that $60 harbor freight special. The bad thing is I used regular sand (I'm cheap) and the sandblaster would clog up badly because of the moisture.


Make sure you get hydrophobic media, or use a water seperator on your air line. Make the line as short as possible too.


Be very, very, very careful about silicosis if you use silica based media (regular sand), the silica can break apart and when you inhale it, it embeds in your lungs permanently. It is like abestosis in this regard, scary bad stuff. use a respirator.


I tried blasting some of my Sambar gas tanks and it exposed how ate up the tanks really are. i will probably have to send them to the gas tank renu people.



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okay i'm leaning towards a bench or tabletop cabinet


and do i use this silica sand stuff.... (sounds scary)


or the new aluminum oxide particles.???



compressor i have.. it's plenty large should work fine...

You think i need One of these Moisture Separators <--- as well?


any other suggestions?


i do not plan on using this on the body.


wheels, and heavier bits that need it for the most part...



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Harbor freight has the same chinese stuff that northern has, but harbor freight is cheaper.



Don't use the oiler function for obvious reasons. I have just a water/moisture seperator, cost me $25 from harbor freight, it is big.



some silicosis links:





Tractor supply has abrasive media cheap.


I have heard of people building their own blasting booths to capture the media. me, I just use sand and a dust mask and do it out on the farm so the sand blows everywhere.



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Glass media....thats all I have to say. I used sand a few times in highschool and it worked for what I was using it for BUT when I got to college, we have a large glass beading cabinent. Its the same as a sand blaster but it works a lot better and you can run it at a lower PSI and it will work a lot better. It is also is a lot cleaner to work with....not a lot of dust:D:D:D

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Your bringing back memories of long ago Jamie. A friend of mine had a '64 Datsun 1600 that he treasured. One day we rented a commercial compressor and a sandblaster unit and sandblasted the whole car down in Ballard. We must have worked on that thing until 4 am in the morning trying get all the paint off it. We did it, but we were so tired after we finished.


Another thing you may want to look into doing is have the parts chemical dipped to clean the rust off.

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wow you guys are too great!


and this makes my decision even harder... heh


we have a decent compressor...

i would use the cabinet for smaller items only...


i think that's the route i may go.

still have some research to do, but i think i am on my way


thank you everyone for your input.


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my dad made a pressurized tank blaster, but my compressor isnt powerful enough to keep 100+ psi for very long. It used to work fine when he had a 5hp gas compressor. its made out of a propane tank. The other problem with it is that occasionally you have to shake it cause it sucks a big hole in the sand pile and the sand doesnt keep coming.

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