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I've bid and won this ebay auction ebay # 121020516344 any suggestions as what to look for when I pick it up? I am in Northern CA, have a flight out Wednesday. I just hope it's what he says it is... would hate to get out there and it not be a good car, any thoughts?



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You could try doing some detective work by contacting the original owner. It's on the title with his address pictured in the listing.


Any info he could supply might be helpful. I searched and found his phone and even his DOB. I wonder if he'd be upset if he knew that his name and address were posted in an ebay auction. Although if you contact him I wouldn't mention that first off!!!

Edited by Suzam
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find an empty parking lot

drive slow figure 8's

listen for clunks from center diff, tires skipping (grabbing asphalt and hopping)

make sure tires are equal sizes and makes all around with normal wear

Edited by 89Ru
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  J A Blazer said:
Thats a lot of miles for a 2008. But if there is nothing seriously wrong, price ($8K?) is probably about right. Did you run a carfax?


Yes Price is $8k seems like a good price I can't find one for that price out west cheapest is about $11 - 12k


it is a lot of miles but Subaru's are reliable cars so I hope it will last a while :P My 1990 Legacy has served me well got a lot of miles on it.

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  89Ru said:
find an empty parking lot

drive slow figure 8's

listen for clunks from center diff, tires skipping (grabbing asphalt and hopping)

make sure tires are equal sizes and makes all around with normal wear


Thanks! I'll be sure and check that out

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  Suzam said:
You could try doing some detective work by contacting the original owner. It's on the title with his address pictured in the listing.


Any info he could supply might be helpful. I searched and found his phone and even his DOB. I wonder if he'd be upset if he knew that his name and address were posted in an ebay auction. Although if you contact him I wouldn't mention that first off!!!


Great Idea did a search and found his phone #. still haven't decided if I should call him or not. he might be upset :P

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  jchipper said:
Great Idea did a search and found his phone #. still haven't decided if I should call him or not. he might be upset :P



I saw that he is a ham operator too, they like to talk and contact people they don't even know.


If you tell him the story, including distance you're traveling, I can't think why he wouldn't talk to you about it.

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  jchipper said:
I've bid and won this ebay auction ebay # 121020516344 any suggestions as what to look for when I pick it up? I am in Northern CA, have a flight out Wednesday. I just hope it's what he says it is... would hate to get out there and it not be a good car, any thoughts?




I almost bid against you at one point, glad i did not.



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Just got off the phone with the owner, here's the rundown


Moible 1 Synthic oil changed every 15,000 miles


Once in a while at low speeds going around a corner when he stepped on the gas there was a clunk, didn't happen very often


timing belt changed at 100k miles


nothing major done to the car just breaks and oil


now here's what worries me:

1 week before he traded it in he was sitting in a parking lot idling and he noticed the temp guage go up the the red so he started driving and it went back to normal. and a week later traded it in but it didn't do it again. could that be a t-stat? or more serious like water pump or Head Gaskets?



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Clunk - rear diff rubber mount prbbly. Blu did this, i never worried about it.

Temp gauge, who knows, could be a t-stat, could be the 1st sign of a HG issue. Subarus like to tease. Sould even be a bad cap.

Oil, personally that bothers me. 15,000 per oil change is a lot of miles. In a lab yes you could do 15K on an oil change, but in the real world, I dont like it. I would prefer to see 5000 - 7500 mile oil changes.


Just my two cents

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Edmonds.com routinely changes their long term cars @ 13K with synthetic oil. Check out this interesting oil change story:




15K change interval is longer than average but the car lived north of the Allentown/Bethlehem area all it's life. A lot of trips out the front door and down the street are 15+ miles just to get somewhere around that location.


It averaged 30K per year, that breaks down to oil changes every 6 months. While a little on the high side mileage wise, I don't find that interval too disconcerting.


As far as the overheat issue, if it was idled with low level of coolant that could cause a once on a while thing. The fact it didn't happen again is encouraging. This year model wasn't known for internal head gasket leaks although you can't rule it out. Check the overflow bottle and make sure it isn't discolored or smelly. And remove the radiator cap and smell in the opening. Any exhaust or bad smell could be trouble.


A loose belt or maybe a clogged hose or weak pump should be checked into also.


I just added my 2¢ to Nipper's.

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Thanks guys for the comments,


also forgot to note that it was August when this the high temp happened, so maybe he was idling with A/C on and low coolent causing the engine to work harder, could also be that the A/C fan did not come on or something

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One time over heat in a car with some miles, step one, replace the Radiator cap. Sometimes that is all it needs.


I never said 3000 miles.


I am going to say this once then let it go, but long oil changes are penny wise and ollar foolish for something you want to keep for a long time. Blus PO did the once a year synthetic change and at 191,000 miles he threw a rod.


you can buy the hype of the high mileage oil's but the weak link is not only the oil filter, which is only designed for X miles of function, But how often does the owner actually check the oil level to keep it full. There has been more then a handful of engines, including soobys here, that have suffered engine damage from the normal consumption of engine oil allowing for the oil levels to drop.


I would never again buy a car that has had once a year oil changes. Engines are not cheap, but doubling the oil changes are. This foolishness in savings will usually show up on the next owners wallet, not the original owners. Also exceeding the mfg's interval will result (when applicable) in a voided warrenty claim.


Once again I never ever said 3000 miles interval, I just said 13,000 is wasteful and taking a big chance, one that in my book I would walk away from.

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I picked up the Car Today and am on my way back to CA, in Ohio tonight, So far so good everything checked out except for a couple of things that I noticed before I paid for it but it wasn't a deal breaker for me.


There is a viberation when you apply the brakes, I bought new Rotors and Pads will change that out in the parking lot of the hotel tomorrow before I hit the road


The battery is on the weak side and will need to be replaced before to long.


When I go over bumps on the highway I don't like how it handles seems to kind of sway side to side a little I don't know if that's just how this car handles or if it's something with the suspension of this particular car.


Other then that it's a great car really like it a lot! sure a upgrade from my 90 Legacy wagon :D and for a car with 148,000 Miles can't really complain gotta expect to do some work to it. Can't expect it to be a new car

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