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Help with emissions testing

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Hey guys, i have a 86 EA82 that had all the smog stuff removed before I got it. The carb that was on the car was from a Nissan and was junk so I replaced it with a Weber. Emissions testing isn't required where I live but I have the car for sale and there is a person interested in it but lives in Albuquerque where emission stetting is required. Does anyone have an idea if it will pass an emissions test? It doesn't have a cat either. Thanks for the help fella's...

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Don't know the state specs, but here in Wa it doesn't get emissions. It's over 25 years old. With some tweaking here and there, it could pass. Of course, it wouldn't be able to get out of it's own way. Lol I've done it before, but it's difficult. You'd really need access to a 5 gas analyzer.

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Don't know the state specs, but here in Wa it doesn't get emissions. It's over 25 years old. With some tweaking here and there, it could pass. Of course, it wouldn't be able to get out of it's own way. Lol I've done it before, but it's difficult. You'd really need access to a 5 gas analyzer.

I don"t know what you need down there to pass-cat? All the hose crap? Up here in denver,co. you have to pass visual and have all the crap....I can help with parts or a diagram. The thing would be to find out what you can or cannot get away with. It"ll pass with the weber if it"s set up right no problem,so I would call a friend or shop in Albq.and find out. The easy way is to register it out town with no emiss. but some people get weird about that.I have cars reg.out of town so I avoid it for the most part except my OB. Good luck Nate

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you need to talk to someone from that area. "emissions testing" means varies by state (even within states).


in Maryland it is very simple and your car would easily be capable of passing without much effort, it simply involves:


1. no check engine light

2. they test your actual emission - the sniff test.


there is no visual inspection, you can do whatever you want to the engine, swap engines, swap whatever all day long....as long as there is no check engine light and you're under limits for the sniff test you're golden.


Atlanta, Georgia used to be the same way. Being close to California maybe you're hosed and they're far more ridiculous about it.


some other states have visual components to the test and monitor much more closely.

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