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Interesting lesson learned about our '84 Brat


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Our '84 Brat is driven very occasionally. It's our backup car if one of our other cars is in the shop for repair. Over the months the directional signals started to fail and finally no directional signals and no hazard warning lights.


Rains stopped long enough for me to look into it. Checked the turn signal fuse and it was okay. Took front and rear signal housings apart and other than some corrosion in the sockets I didn't find any bad bulbs (other than one backup bulb which had nothing to do with the problem).


Time to grab the shop manual and look to see where I should look. Found the Brat has a combination hazard/signal module. I couldn't find it under the dash where it was supposed to be. I took a 2nd look at wiring diagram and noticed that the fuse feeding the hazard/signal module also fed the horn. Went to the car and found the horn didn't work either (who uses the horn anyway?). Checked the horn fuse.....OPEN. A little time spent with the manual and analyzing the problem and symptoms would have turned a 2 hour fix into a 5 minute fix.

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Thanks edrach, Printed, folded and put with the 84 fix it book. May save me some time with my 84 Hatch & Brat ... strange how we can have same vehicles but never have the same problem.... but one never knows...
It could happen. Wiring for the '84 GL and Brat are pretty similar according to the shop manual.
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