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Any interest in 14" Desert Rats ??

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I was talking to a guy at SpeedyUSA today and asked why they don't carry the "desert rat" wheels in the states. He asked me how many sets I want. I told him just one for me, but there should be some interest in them on the USMB. So, is anyone interested in these if the price is right? He said he would get back to me with a price.

These are the ones - http://www.speedywheels.com.au/ZoomWheels/Desert_Rat.htm


The 14mm offset would mean they will stick out 8mm farther than a Pug would. Roughly, a quarter inch. Which also means they would stick out a little over an inch more than the stock 42mm offset.

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It all comes down to price. I'd say, just as an observation, that above the $50-$75 each range you are going to lose alot of intrest in them. I'd definately be interested, but price will drive my decision. Thanks for looking into these, Tim

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Those are 6 lug chevy trailer rims (US Wheels 70 series). They do stick out a bit farther (about 1.5 - 2" past the fenders), but that's exactly what I wanted. Gives me a wider stance to offset the extra height I gained with the 28's. And yes, I did drill them. Took me about 45 minutes to do all five with a hand drill. I beveled the edges of the holes with a dremel. No vibration, and still perfectly balanced - at least to the 95 MPH I've had it up to..... if you don't like the extra holes, you can either do the 6 lug conversion, or weld them up and paint over em.


This gives a better idea of the offset:




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