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Transmission compatibility.... 05 Impreza Automatic

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Im picking up a low mileage trans out of a 05 Impreza 2.5rs from a buddy of mine who totalled his car and is tired of looking at the parts sitting around.


can i swap this transmission into either my 99 Legacy GT or my 2002 Legacy Outback (figure that one if anything). im sure it'll bolt up. but not sure about the TCU etc

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Final drives won't match.


Assuming it's an H4 Outback (and not an H6) - then that's a 4.44 final drive ratio. 99 GT would be the same.


Impreza is 4.11. You'll have to work around that - easiest way is to get a matching 4.11 rear differential, your speedo will be off then. Swapping the front diff is quite a chore and not for the faint of heart due to the backlash setting (though you can entertain possibly retaining it by counting...) anyway - Gloyale has a fantastic thread for disassembling front diffs.


I've seen cause for hesitating on wonky final drive ratios around 2002 or 2003 but i think that's manual trans, not auto's.


Haven't seen much in regards to swapping transmissions this new.

If the plugs are the same then there's a good chance it's plug and play and TCU doesn't matter. But that's easily swapped too, those are right above your gas pedal and take seconds to remove.

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yeah, i figured the rear diff was gonna be different, i think he's got that yet too so i could probably grab it off him too no prob, was mainly the electrical part i was thinking of if they changed it.


I wonder if anyone would be able to make a standalone for it. something like presslab did with the paddle shifters etc. hmmmmm...:brow:

Edited by xbeerd
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