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Need to change valve covers and fuel filter

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Can anyone please provide instructions for replacing the fuel filter and valve cover gaskets (both) on a 1995 Legacy Brighton w/ a 2.2engine. I have a Haynes manual, but would like any additional guides since their descriptions are brief. Specifically, when changing the gaskets, does any additional sealant need to be applied and should the grommets and bolts also be replaced.


Any help would be appreciated.


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No sealant on the gasket and yes replace grommets on valve covers. Re-use the bolts. Also be sure to use the proper torque on the bolts as this causes them to snap or prematurely leak. Torque wrench is a must here. 36-48 INCH pounds.


For the fuel filter you need to unplug the fuel pump (just above rear seat in most models) and then try to start the car to deflate the pressure in the fuel system. Then just undo the hose clamps and replace the filter.

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Many people reccomend that you unplug the fuel pump, but having changed numerous fuel filters on mine and other Subarus (new ones from 95 and up) I feel its really unnecessary to do so. I do put a little penetrating oil around the hoses at the filter, then I get vice grips and slowly wiggle it off. Some fuel will spill out, but by no means in any case has it ever even remotely come close to spraying!


Have fun with it :)



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As with any job theres the book way and the "real way" taking out the fuel pump fuse will also work, trying to start the car.... better safe than sorry, gasoline is a carcinogen(sp) i've had my share of fuel filters, it dosn't hurt to bleed off some of the pressure first, although its not an absolute must.

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on my 91 when I did it made it alot easier to unbolt and move the Windshieldwasher reservior for access-also for changing the spark plug near as well. That was suggested in a thread somewhere on tis board, thanks to the original poster

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Just in case you try that again. Doing that does'nt relieve the pressure in the fuel system (in the gas lines). You were lucky the pressure must have gone down with time before you disonnected the fuel lines.

Trust me on that. I have a fuel pressure gauge in my car and opening the gas cap does'nt do anything to the gas line pressure.

Waiting 3 to 4 hours is sufficient to remove all residual pressure in the system though.

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