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Hey everyone, I'm a bit new to this forum, I have always owned older subaru's, mostly 2.2's. This is my first 2.5 and I am reading a lot of potentional problems with them. I have about 56k miles on mine, I am wondering if there is a forum with a list of potential probs to look for or if anyone could help me out on what to look for. I have and pretty much have always had a fairly heavy knock in my engine for the first 10 or so min when I take off for work, it doen'st completely go away, but gets quiet. That is the main thing I have been worried about, I have taken it to the dealer many times, they replaced the timing belt tensioner onece and now they say it is normal, it just seems way too loud. I also noticed last year when I had about 40k miles on it a strong radiator fluid smell and now have read about the leak prob. It went away after a few weeks, I couldnt' find any leakage anywhere. I am also wondering about what maintnance should be done. My 2.2 hardly ever needed any.

Any help is appreciated,


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