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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

1994 svx 2950 do i have rocks in my head?

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OK, been out of the active USMB for a bit since dumping my 91 Legacy.....saw advertiesed a 94 SVX, 84K, 2950 asking price, of cours they saw nothing wrong runs great....,,is a local used car dealer , going to try to see tommorrow, will try to get them down on price and learn a little more about car-on phone today person did not have too much command of English language but the real boss is to be back tommorrow.....


they say is 2wd, and if in decent shape appears to be nomilally worth the price?


any feedback appreciated as well as gotcha points.......


FYI even though off the board have influenced a cousin to buy a outback SW last year, she says she wished she had bought 30 years ago as opposed to dicking around with all the GM stuff she had; and my nieces sig other just returned from an overseas assignemnt with some spare cash and picked up a new Outback.....





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car was availble to see today, rushed over in 45 minutes to see being driven away on a test drive....and he bought it...oh well on to next time. car was in pretty good shape, has had some body and paint work down but in overall good shpe.......



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