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What causes that Subaru ticking?

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Ive tried everything i can think of to rid my hatch of its ticking, I changed the oil, I put in magic marvel oil, and it still comes back every time I hit the freeway. I think it may be a stuck lifter or something. Sometimes MMO does work though, I believe it worked for Ed. I also hear the oil pump gaskets being bad may cause the noise? Good luck...

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besides the oil pump problem, there are pressure relief springs that tend to wear out after awhile. They loose their spring rate and become worn so then less oil pressure can get into the heads. They are located inside the heads and I believe you can access them by taking the valve covers off but I'm not sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  roxtar said:
I have a fairly decent aftermarket stereo in my 92 loyale and I find that the ticking slowly goes away as I increase the volume control.[/


yes it does tend to do that in mine as well! I just feel bad. It sounds like it hurts poor subee.

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  • 2 months later...

I am just taking a stab in the dark here as we didn't get the loyole model in New Zealand but I think you will find its your hydrualic lifters if you have an overhead cam ea82 engine.These can be ajusted and renewed and will quieten the motor to how it should be .Because of the subaru design the motors nead just a we bit more TLC to keep them quiet than other designs. The longer you leave it the worse it gets.IT is a curable problem.



  Subafly said:
I know many soobs do it. Its that ticking. Mine used to go away after warm-up but now its constant. Is there any thing to fix it?



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my ea81 hydro ticks very loudly, and has for 20k miles now, i have tried everything. cept a new pump.

that car has 111 k miles on it,

i als o have an ea82 that ticked, last it ran, and had just started after i let a cousin borrow it for a summer =P its got 127k

i think its from poor maintenance,(both these cars had black black oil when i got them) if you dont change your oil enough, it will make your lifters crap out sooner than they should.

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