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ok i cant make up my mind on this please tell me what you guys think.


i have my 1986 GL red wagon

my 1987 GL blue wagon


my blue one i am selling, and i really want a lifted brat, i can get some 6 lug 15's and tires for free, they are off road tires. but i also love my wagon, and if i get a brat i cant keep the wagon because when i move to arizona there is no way i can drive one down, then get the second transported down there.


but here is the catch, i want to put the bigger wheels and tires on the brat so we can rock crawl in our free time, and play in the dunes, the wagon i wouldn't lift simply because of the longer wheel base, more complicated, and i like lifted brats more.


but also i need something that can carry crap down there and haul the trayler i got, small little thing to haul the washer and dryer. the wagon i can get alot of stuff in, but not tall stuff. and the brat, well i can get a topper for free, and plus i can take it off for the big stuff.


so what do you guys think?


sell both wagons and get the brat for myself;


let my girlfriend drive the red wagon so we can haul more stuff rather then her take her integra and i get the brat;


or keep the red wagon, and not get the brat.


please help me here. i have now money and i need to sell stuff to get atleast $1,500 to move before i buy anything else.


Thanks everyone,


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You sound like a Brat guy to me.


I've never really been into the Brat, but I can appreciate what they are all about. Especially 4wd models.


Wagons are a dime a dozen, but Brats are dryin up. Get the Brat, and if you

if you ever feel the need for a wag, there's plenty of them around to choose from.


good luck, John

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All Brat's are 4WD. With the exception of a VERY rare european Gen 1 model called the "shifter"


Also - Brat's have the SAME wheel-base as wagons - both EA81 and EA82.


Another thing - Brat's are NOT for hauling heavy stuff. Cargo capacity is the SAME as a wagon - 800 lbs including passengers. Anything close to that, or over, and you risk breaking a torsion bar.



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If feasible, you could sell one wagon, buy the Brat, and towbar it to Az. behind the wagon you plan to keep. May be slow traveling in the Mtns but would increase carrying capacity for moving all your stuff and would get both Soobs to the destination in one trip.


Just a thought, for what it's worth...


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It depends on what you want more....I personally like wagons...I would vote to buy a brat after you sell a wagon...then you could have both...hopefully the gf wouldnt mind driving one for you either...


if you come down here searching for a brat...good luck...get one where you can. I dont see many subarus round these parts, although i am searching for a jy with some...


ok i blabbed enough...when you move, let me know if you need a hand moving or a job at a car dealership (if available)

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sounds like you really want the brat more than the wagon so I would get the brat, and if you want your girl to drive down the other wagon you should let her decide because i have run into the problem before except i acualy sold her car without asking.( it was in my name)

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ya im going to buy the brat, i love brats, i actually learned how to drive a manual in my grandpa's 78 brat that i almost got from him to lift until i heard the problems with Gen I's.


and yes my girlfriend said she will drive anything as long as it has A/C whch the red wagon has,


so looks as if as soon as i can get the cash im buying a brat and selling the blue 87 wagon.

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A brat is nice to have.....great for hauling stuff if you are the DIY kind of person. But I wouldnt mind having a wagon for the people hauling ability (and kid hauling if you have them).


And it is true that the wheelbase of the brat and wagon are the same.


As for rock crawling.......dont expect to do anything very serious unless you go with a divorced transfer case. I am building my brat right now and plan on using 205/75R14 tires......which is 26.1 inches.........just remember that the bigger the tires the less rock crawling ability you will have. If you use 15" wheels then your choices for smaller tires are almost non-existant. I dont have my tires yet but I have found a few brands that are mud terrain at 205/75R15. If you are going to do rock crawling I recommend the 14" wheels/tires.


Did any of the brats come with the 5sp D/R? Or did they all come with a 4sp D/R? I have an 82 with a 4sp and am doing the 5sp D/R tranny swap. I can tell you it gets rather costly and time consuming. I sure hope its worth it when all is done. The good news is that I only paid $450 for my brat.


Good luck.

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