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First Cafeine and Carbs meet tomorrow

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New Canaan CT downtown by the train station.


Millions upon millions worth of cars , non judged , and simply the best show of it's kind. There is nothing "official" so just show up. If you aren't driving something truly fancy just park in a side lot or if you're late you're going to be walking a block or so you won't even have to worry about being embarrassed by the big buck rides.


People love my 78 wagon as rough as it is. But I don't even attempt to park in the main run on the street.


Something that if you're reasonably close to is worth the drive.


They've had a Bugati Veyron there , etc .... Once had a Ferrarri transporter there with the entire new line and a few racers too. That day it is said there were 65-75 Ferrarris depending who you ask.


Look for my wagon in one of the side lots. I usually get there early - 7:45am or so , and try to park it right up front for high visibility.


It's really fun to watch people look over there high end vehicles and still get a kick out of an old Japanese car.

Maybe check for my old posts or google it.



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