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a few months back I smashed my y pipe on a large piece of assfault, mountain road.... I think the pipe might be craked and am going for a replacement tomorrow anyone know how this could negatively effect preformance ie to much back pressure if pipe is smashed or faulty o2 readings from a crack thats leaking?




96 legoback

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Ive bottomed mine out a few times and hit the heat shields on the Y pipe, no harm yet, but if the Y-pipe is bent it could create more back-pressure depending on the severity. Steel pipes don't usually crack unless there was other stress in the area before the impact or its really rusty. The heat shields can mask leaks but you would have black soot at the ends of the shield if there is a hidden leak.

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if you're replacing it, who cares.  get the new pipe and you're done.


it shouldn't do anything all that noticeable.  i've seen lots of cars with large dents, custom repaired exhausts...etc and none have ever driven notably odd.

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