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The Junkyard Justy is still a goin' concern

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In fact I put it on it's wheels today!, Of course they aren't actually supporting any weight, but thats only a little concern. See, it's now time to set the ride height. That's right, This thing is that far along! why only last july it was just a pile of parts. Now it's just a pile of parts that are slightly more organized.




Back end is easy, I am relocating the upper shock mounts and adding spring height adjusters.


The front is kicking my arse! The whole thing is done now. the structure, engine and tranny, the upper and lower control arms, prop shafts, everything! In and done, and ready for action.


Except the shocks.. No room.:banghead: I thought it would be tight, but it is WAY tight. So, because I haven't done enough shade tree engineering (read sarcasm here), I think the only real solution is to cantalever the coil overs up front over the tranny, at the firewall (which right now is a big hole for all of the structural tubing).


It does give me a chance to use all of the suspension travel because I can use a ratio in the pivot arm to shorten the spring stroke, but it means a bunch more welding and tubing.


The other thought is to tie the shock to the lower control arm, and mount the spring on a hinged perch on the upper swing arm. It has to be hinged because of the short radius and long travel of the suspension arms.


Cantalever or hinged perch...hmmm

talk amongst yourselves, and then tell me what to do. I looked at the front end for an hour solid today, looking for options. Now it's your turn to say..

"Are you a freakin' idiot?!" or maybe.. " What the hell were you thinkin' when you started this?!"

My wife says, " do whatever you want to dear."

Do chime in, I am low on inspiration right now.

If no one posts, you'll get my decision in next weeks update.


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The site is up, it just hasn't been updated for a while. you can find the address under my profile.


All of the travel is 14.4 inches. Useable based on the rally tires on the car is about 10 to 12 inches. I have to set the steering toe-in and camber at it's final setting to get that number more firm. Things are very tight.


I have been taking photos with a disposable camera since my digital camera Sh*t the bed. We picked up a new web cam so I can start using that.

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