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1998 Legacy Outback wagon


idled fine before headgasket job, then after about 110 miles got a check engine light and noticed that the car would almost die right after coming to a stop (car is an automatic BTW)


the idle would drop to almost nothing, then come up to between 1000 and 1200, then drop to nothing, back to 1000 range, then to nothing and back to 1000ish, then back to almost dead, then perfect idle


the CEL says that the idle control is too high RPM...


the car had a few vac hoses disconnected before the head gasket job and idled great.

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Did you mess with the throttle cable adjustment when you took the manifold off? If the cable is adjusted tighter now, the ECU will have trouble adjusting the idle speed because the throttle plate is slightly open.


Did you use new manifold gaskets?

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