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1998 Legacy: Today, I was going to swap out my rear diff and rear lateral links. But I encountered a bit of an issue doing this.

When I tried to get the long bolt out of the lateral links to hub, they seem to be frozen in place and won't turn, despite getting the nut off(off one side at least). As well, the alignment bolt that connects the lateral link to the cross member is frozen to the inner sleeve on the bushing.

Any advice on how to get them off? I have replacement bolts that aren't rusty from the junkyard car.

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fairly common for those bolts and bushings to seize unfortunately, there's a couple threads about it.  some folks saw sawzall and others say there isn't enough room...i think a sawzall would be fine and i have one of these to do on my daily driver as well, same deal - rusted together.  already bought the parts, just haven't started because i don't want any down time on this car and not sure how long it'll take.

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