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1st gen Legacy sedan - how to replace passenger side door lock solenoid?

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Hi all, I have a 89' Legacy sedan, EJ22. My passengers door lock solenoid is shot, as far as I can tell. I have power to the solenoid but it does not work when I unlock the drivers door.


I need to replace it, so I went to the junkyard to have a look and see what I could get. I managed to get one out, but it seems like it's attached to the door lock itself, and doesn't come apart.


Has anyone had any luck changing these out, and do you have any pointers or documentation on how to do this correctly? I don't want to half-rump roast it and have to fix it again in the near future.

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I have not had to change any of mine out yet, so don't have any direct experience, but I do believe you are correct in that the actuator is part of the lock mechanism.  My best suggestion for removing it is to make sure the push rod going to the door handle (inside and outside) are removed or at least loose so you can wiggle the lock mechanism out of the door for further investigation to see if you can just swap the solenoid or have to swap the entire lock assembly.

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