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95 impreza sport pulling to the left

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I went to look at an impreza for my daughter. it was leaking oil but the engine sounded great. i got it for 1000 and drove it home. I replaced the oil pump as the front seal leaked and why not...the cam seals as well. still leaking..found the cap behind the right head and replaced it.

upon examining the tranny i noticed a dent and pulled the pan. the dent was right on the filter opening and limiting fluid flow. got Mr hammer and put back together..shifted better but still acting wird in 4th. i replaced throttle position sensor and all is well.

Last problem is pulling to the left. no signs of accident.

Before i start replacing more stuff can anyone tell me something that can help?





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Nice old gen wagon!


Pulling in either direction is usually a camber issue on these cars.

Are the struts fairly new looking?

Any other steering or suspension parts that look new?

Most of the time you can eyeball camber by looking at the wheels of the car to see if one wheel is tipped further out at the top than the opposite wheel. Camber is adjusted by the top strut bolt. Rear camber you will need to install cam bolts in order to adjust, unless the previous owner has already done so.

Be sure to check rear suspension as well since a rear toe or camber issue can cause pulling the same as in the front.


You can easily check toe-in with a tape measure. Measure from the center tread block in the tire to the same point on the opposite tire. Do this in front of and behind the tire. The difference in measurements should be less than 1/8", with the shorter distance being in the front.

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Thanks. The toe being out or in would make me squirrely or very touchy to steer. i would bet on camber of one side being off. i will find the adjustmet on the strut and check it out. I was not aware of these being adjustable.

I hope this works.

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  • 7 months later...

I put a new set of tires at big-o and sweet talked them into throwing in an alignment just as a hail Mary to fix the issue and all is well...I love this wagon..unfortunately my daughter has finally taken over driving rights by placing hello kitty stickers all over the poor helpless wagon.....genius act of possession control on her part because  i would commandeer it allot just because i could.

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