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Light problems in 87 GL wagon

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So the wife brought the ole wagon home the other night and the interior lights as well as the brake lights were no longer working(dome and map lights don't work. Hatch light does)


The tail lights are on but there is apparently no signal getting through when the brakes are applied. Also the middle light in the rear window doesn't light up at all, will be checking the bulb tomorrow.


I checked fuses, they all look good. Hoping I don't have to dig too deep into the wiring here. I am open to any advice/ ideas.



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The beatiful truth regarding electricity... Is that it has an A to B path.

It doesn't scurry off somewhere random.


If your fuses are good, that's great, that's a good start.


This will sound shitty, but DO check to make sure the wires aren't cut anywhere. (Could happen)


...Relay? Are they even plugged in?

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The brake light circuit has a pretty direct connection to the battery. There are fusible links inside the plastic box mounted on the coolant reservoir under the hood and one of them carries the current for the lighting and other things. Make sure all those links are making solid connection to both sides and verify power is getting to both side using a test probe. If that is okay then you might check the bottom side of that box and make sure connections are good there. If that is okay then the main connections in the SMJ connector would be suspect or the connector going through the fiewall.

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