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'09 Leg: Flashing CRUISE light, CEL on, and icon with swervy tires on.

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My time is short, so really hoping for a quick response.  This is my Teacher's car, and she is concerned over what it means.


'09 Legacy sedan, automatic transmission:  Driving in to work, when suddenly the cruise light starts flashing, the CEL comes on and so does some icon of a swervy car.  No obvious drivability problems.   


My initial guess was that the alternator had failed, but she said that it was only these 3 lights acting differently.  Second guess was something like a VSS signal failing.  Ideally, she would go have the codes pulled, but her schedule makes this pretty impractical.


Anybody recognize these symptoms?

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I will throw out a guess - might not help at all.


I believe I read that it's pretty normal on this gen when the CEL comes on that at least cruise and possibly stability control become disabled.


Also - you can pull the codes through the display on the dash.


Edit: Yay google:



Edited by nickb21
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Loose gas cap?

These deactivate cruise and Traction control (the swervy icon) when the CEL comes on. Dunno if it can be reset without a scanner (possibly the secret handshake in the link above will have an way to do that). But you can unhook the battery negative for a few minutes and that should clear the codes and re-activate the cruise and traction control. Find out what the CEL code is first.

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Yeah, she just had a lot of commitments today, plus a 50 mile drive through near-nowhere to get home later tonight.  It sounds like something at least limpable.  I will get her to have it scanned tomorrow... after our first day with the students back.


Thanks again for indulging my asking rather than taking the time to research.

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My wife's 09 forrester did the same thing.  She had not put the gas cap on.  It was inside the door but not screwed in.  I breathed a sigh of relief and then laughed at her for being careless and then ran before she hit me with something.  Good luck.

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