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Today I completed the timing belt replacement on my loyale.

First time I've done this and lemme tell ya, Miles Fox's YouTube video was a huge help!

Initially I did it to replace the timing gaskets on the cams, as they were leaking like a sieve, but wanted to do it right with a full timing belt service. The car is running night and day better than before...

It's still leaking in other areas to address but that will come in time.

Anyone have good info on replacing the rear seal?

Thanks for all the support y'all!

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If it's an EFI model, the timing needs to be set to 20 DBTDC with the green connectors connected. Important, connect the green connectors while setting timing, more important, disconnect them afterwards.


If it's a carb model.... No idea.

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You need a timing light. Hook it to plug wire #1, the front passenger side wire. Timing is basically the same on anything ever. You twist the disty until the light flashes on the mark. 

If yours is a manual, the timing mark is on the flywheel. Pull off the flywheel inspection cover (rubber thing) on the passenger side bell housing. If it's an automatic I know that the timing mark is on the crank pulley, but beyond that I'm not sure because I don't have an automatic.

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