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recently i have heard a pulsating noise from the rear passenger side wheel. Upon closer testing while i was driving i determined the noise was only present under braking. The pulsating became faster at higher speeds, but there is no odd brake pedal feel. Im gonna take the wheel off tomorrow morning to see if i can get a visual on the problem... if anyone has any suggestions or comments about this problem i would love to know

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Brake pad/shoe material has "grown" onto you disc/drum surface and makes the noise as it rotates past the pad/shoe during. Happens in wet weather, and also if you hold the brake pedal down at standstill with the brakes still hot.


If the problem is persistent: Replace the brakes on both sides. No amount of turning, sanding, polishing will ever make it good again.


"Persistent" means that it won't go away after braking a little harder than normal a few times.

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I agree with Setright that you will most likely need new brakes to fix your problem. However if you have drums on rear their is one little trick I have found that will work sometimes, that is to switch sides with the drums. The wear patterns of shoes to drum will be different and it will sometime remove the high or uneven wear. Just be sure to brake easy the first few times like you do after putting new brakes on.

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I have never had rear disc brakes so I dont know anything about them, however I have switched pads for front brake noise, but it dont seem to work as well as switching drums. You might try switching your pads and adding the brake anti- squeal to the back of the pads.

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