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Need advice - 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca

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I have a 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca with about 109,000 miles on it. Today I backed out of my driveway, heard a loud rattling noise, a metallic type noise, as I pressed on the gas and as I turned. This continued, and when I got off the highway about 10 miles later, my check engine light (steady) and cruise control light (blinking) came on. Drove to an auto parts place and they scanned for a code, he said it was an intake control valve solenoid problem. 
Has anyone encountered something like this? What is the repair cost for this? The guy I spoke to who scanned the code seemed to think the engine might have to be taken apart? Can I still drive it?  Hoping for better news.... bringing it to the mechanic on Monday.

Thanks for any help!

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It would be better if you post the actual code "p0xxx" rather than their generic scanner description.


Intake control valve solenoid could be the idle control valve, or what they call a tumble generator valve, or any number of other things.


I'm not sure that I would expect any of those to make a metallic rattling sound if they were damaged. Rattly noises on a Subaru are generally caused by loose heat shields on the exhaust pipes.

Possible to two problems are related, but without being able to see the car I'm not sure.


I'd certainly take the car to a qualified Subaru mechanic ASAP, since any problem that causes the CEL to come on is likely to cause higher emissions output and possible damage to the catalytic converters, which are $$$ to replace of they get damaged.

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