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Heater/AC fan only runs on high, how do I fix?

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My '95 Legacy heater/ac fan only runs on high the high speed. I read on here somewhere that there is a resistor (or something) that could be bad, possibly mounted behind the glove box. Can anyone clear this up for me and tell me what exactly I need to replace and where it's located? Thanks.

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I've never taken mine apart in the subie, but usually, the resistors are usually located inside the ducting (to cool the wire coils) by the motor. They would probably be mounted on the same piece that the power for the blower fan connects to.


Maybe someone else can chime on on exact location, but you shoul be able to find it just by checking around the area by the motor.

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If I remember correctly (in my XT6) when you remove the panel on the passenger side <under the glove box> (for the 6) there was a black box to the left of the blower motor held in by 2 screws. Undo the screws and pull out the box. Its got coils on it and some gray stuff on the coils (stuff is hard, but easy to crack...so be careful). Sorry but that's all I got, maybe someone can help more.

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Now I have to ask the really dumb question, where is the blower motor located on a Legacy? Then maybe I can track down those pesky resistors!

It's right above the passenger's feet. Push the passenger seat all the way back to give yourself some room to work, then take off the kick panel underneath the glove box. You should seen the outside of the blower motor, and it has a big wire bundle coming out from it (4 wires in a cable). These 4 wires go to the unit you are looking for, the resistor block. As others have described, carefully take it out, and you'll see the resistors which are actually wire coils (very low resistance). These wire coil resistors sit in the windstream created by the blower motor. As a side note... if your blower motor ever gets bad bearings and slows down, the first thing to go then will be one of those little resistors, because it won't get cooled enough. I got a new resistor block from someone one Ebay. They are available... good luck!

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