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woah i definitely only hit reply one time, weird.


meant to add which you probably already know - 3rd...probably also with torque bind around tight turns on dry pavement - it's in limp home mode.  it should only do that if the AT light is blinking 16 times at start up indiccating it has a stored code. 

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I have the check engine light on, ATF flashing all the time once the stick is moved from P and the code on the OBD Scanner are P048 & P0778. Car instantly moves from 1st into 3rd and stays there. No response when stick is shifted form D to 3 to 2 to 1 whilst driving.



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The Check Engine Light is on, ATF flashes continuously when stick is moved into P and the codes are P0748 and P0778.

Trans goes from 1st into 3rd and stays there, no response when moved from D to 3rd to 2nd to 1st.


Dropping resistor is ok.

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Is the bottom of the trans pan dented? Sounds like you have damaged solenoids of damaged wiring. Could be from something hitting the trans pan, or someone put a jack under the trans pan while working on the car.

Could also be wiring issue between the control module and trans. Look at the trans wire harness on the left side for any signs of damage, mouse or squirrel chewing, etc.

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You're dead on Fairtax4me. The right rear corner of the pan was dented pretty bad, When I took the pan off the solenoid at that corner was damaged, so much that the electrical lug had broken off and the wire was not attached. I measure all selonoid reistance and they all read around 12.2. However the pressure control solenoid is dead. Just googled the prices for these little, tiny thingie bobs, pretty shocked to see they are $260 and $140, WOW!!!! Are these made from platinum or what? Anyone know where I can pick up some cheaply?



Edited by rkautar
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