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EA82T Oil Pressure Question

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I have a 90 Turbo Loyale with only about 3500 miles since the rebuild. When the motor is cold and I start it I have decent pressure reading on the dash, when it warms up and the thermostat opens all oil pressure goes to "0". Now there is no oil in the water and no water in the oil that I have found.

The oil pressure unit on the front of the motor is new,@rebuild. Could it be the oil is to thin? Is this from the "cracks "that these motors are known for.

I do need to replace the pan gasket as it is leaking but could it cause this once the oil has warmed up?

Please give me your .02 cents on this as I have not ran into this before.

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With my experience with ea82's the oil pressure will read near zero when the engine is at operating temp and at idle. It should move towards 40 when operating at highway speeds. What weight of oil are you using. I recommend 10-30. 5w is too thin and is bast for sub freezing climate.


Check for leaks at the cam tower o-rings as this is one place that can lose oil pressure.


The stock gauge is notoriously inaccurate. You will most likely get an actual reading using a manual pressure gauge, or even an aftermarket electric unit.


The oil pan leaking will not lose oil pressure, although tou will lose volume of oil.


Also, make sure the PCV valve is functioning, the hoses to it are not clogged, and that the oil cap is secure and not bouncing around. The ea82t requires the oil cap to be present and sealed for the pcv and air metering to work properly.

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Thanks for the info MilesFox I will be checking the cam tower out. I found a "air"leak or pressure loss on the drivers side head there is an aluminum tube that screws into the intake and goes down behind the motor and connects into the exhaust manifold. Not sure what its for.

I can't post pictures of anything as I access everything on my phone, no internet here in the sticks where I'm at.

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No rattling except the heat sheild thats missing 2bolts. Seems the more I drive her around the better it runs. Found that the cooling line and one hose clamp that are behind the turbo were left loose and I had some water dripping out on the shop floor. Thought it was leaking out the head...... wheeeew had a moment

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