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ea82 decent compression?

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I recently did a compression check on my ea82 in my loyale, and 3 of my cylinders were at 125 to 130, and one being at 90 psi. Now I have a gut feeling that I'm losing that compression from my head or head gasket because I just so happen to be leaking a bit of coolant from that particular head on that particular side where that piston would be. So my question is it worth redoing the gaskets and milling the heads, or is that motor pretty tired? I figured while I was at it I would do my timing belt and replace my water pump just to be safe, but that's money so I just wanna know if you guys think that money will be well invested. Also it has 193k and I hear these engines last a while if treated right.

Edited by Subinoobi
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make sure it's not the intake gasket leaking into the cylinder head first.  they are a known weak spot.  it would seem the compression test verifies the HG.


can't guarantee anything on a quarter century old engine with unknown history but if it's in otherwise good shape it should last quite a few more miles.


i'd get one of the $60-$80 timing belt kits on ebay so you have all new idlers too, old idlers are devoid of grease by now.  water pump a great idea too.

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