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94 Loyale EA82 Turbo Head bolts

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I see a lot of differences in sequences and torque specs that people are posting all over the web. I want to be 100 percent certain I am doing this right. I have a 94 EA82 Loyale Engine with turbo, blew a head gasket. Now I've got it apart and need to put it back together.


I need Torque Specs \ and sequence.


Is there anybody out there that can help a brother out?



Edited by dherzog1984
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Take a look at the FSM files on this site:



No difference in torque or sequence or bolts between turbo and non-turbo.  If you haven't already surfaced the heads, take a close look at where the gasket fire-rings press against the head surface:  If you an see where they were, then they have probably worn away the metal enough that you will need to do some sort of resurface to remove them.  DIY surfacing tends to work.


Referring to your engine as a 94 EA82T can be confusing, as the US did not get a turbo Loyale past 1990.  You might cause less confusion if you say it is a JDM engine, or simply call it a 1990 engine.



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