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dead battery????

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last week i posted about how best to get a rusty muffler off, it worked, i was happy :headbang:

but, i had to jump the sooby the last few days, it made a fast clicking sound when i tried to start it. I got it running and drove it for awhile to charge up the battery.

i just went out to try her again, but this time...a click and absolutely nothing, no sounds, no interior lights, no nothing.

could this be a dead battery or something bigger?

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The short answer is - yes.


Get your battery charged up off the vehicle by a charger. Your alternator can fry as a result of trying to charge a dead battery. Also, the alternator doesn't work as well when the battery is down.


Your alternator may be the cause of your problems as well. Take it off and run it to your local NAPA and have it tested for free.


Finally, you could be having connection problems. If you have a lot of corrosion on the battery cables (either end) it could be not allowing power to flow.

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