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New member here saying hello.


I'm evil03mustang over on legacygt.com


My username here is a result of me obtaining financing for my car and having signed papers and making 3 payments on it BEFORE I EVEN HAD PROOF THAT IT EXISTED.


At one point I was very rationally referring to it as both a unicorn and as "The Emperor's new car."


I took ownership of the thing June 1, 2013 with 61,212 miles on it.  I paid $8,000.00 plus taxes and fees.  This is why I got the loan before even seeing it... had I waited, I would have paid MUCH MORE.


Since plating it and driving it home, I have had to replace the transmission, water pump, idlers, tensioner and timing belt... Transmission died due to center diff bearing failure.  Easier to just swap boxes.  Donor was a wrecked '06 Spec.B. 


The engine received new crank, pistons, bearings, rings prior to my ownership and I believe the assembly/disassembly process stressed the water pump in ways it didn't like..  That seized up on me the first weekend in December.  Gates TCK328 and a Subaru water pump/tstat later, back on the road. 


Turbo has too much shaft play for my taste, so that's being replaced next.


I do my own work and I fear no task.  They make service manuals for a reason.


The car is Obsidian Black Pearl/Black leather, 5-speed manual and she is my baby.


Edited by Mythical Creature
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